
How to make your Succulent Plant last Longer

While many sources might say that caring for succulent plants is especially easy, the truth is that it only becomes easy to provide care when you know the right kind of care to offer. As with any living thing, setbacks can shorten the plant’s natural lifespan, so you want to do your best to do everything right the first time.

In this post, learn how you can make your succulent plant healthier for longer.

Do Not Offer Too Much Water
Succulents get their name from the water stored in their leaves. In some, this gives the appearance of swollen leaves, such as with the popular aloe vera plant. With cacti, the “leaves” are actually specialized spikes that glean even the tiniest bits of moisture right out of the air.

What to do instead: With a succulent plant, you want to wait until the soil has dried to the touch before you offer water. If your plant becomes soft and the color changes, you may be overwatering it.

Be Sure to Feed Your Succulent
In nature, succulents take more than just water from the surrounding air and soil. They also absorb essential nutrients. Most soils have enrichment, but after a time your succulent will need new soil to continue absorbing nutrients. If you don’t offer plant food or a re-potting with fresh soil, your succulent will fail to thrive.

What to do instead: Buy a cactus/succulent plant food and follow the instructions to offer the food periodically. You should only need to fertilize during the warmer months of the year – succulents generally do well enough on their own in the coldest season.

Be Sure Your Succulent Has Natural Light
All plants need natural light to convert into energy. Some need lots of light and some need hardly any, but they all need it. Your succulent is no different. It likes lots of light, but may not do well in the full blazing sun of summer. If your succulent is indoors, just be sure to place it near a sunny window and monitor the heat.

What to do instead: The best approach is to offer some warm sunlight each day. Similarly, don’t leave your succulent in the dark all day. Aim for daytime temperatures of 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit and no lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

By understanding the basic core needs of succulent plants, you can expect to have them with you for many years. The lifespan will depend on the type of succulent you have. Some greenhouse succulents can live for decades, while others may enjoy a 6 or 8 year lifespan with proper care.